Saturday, December 21, 2019

Back|track5 all commands

Today we read Backtrack5 all  commands 

So Start

this is most use full commands  
  • ac:
  •  Print statistics about the time they have been connected users
  •  adduser:
  •  See useradd
  •  alias:
  •  Create shortcuts to commands, list current aliases.
  •  apt-get: 
  • Tool actualizacón / remote installation packages in debian based systems.
  •  arp: 
  • Lets get / manipulate the list of MAC / IP addresses that the system sees.
  •  arping:
  •  Sends ARP REQUEST to other computers on the network.
  •  arptables: 
  • Firewall functions similar to control iptables but arp protocol traffic.
  •  at: 
  • Work program, commands, scripts for later execution.
  •  atq: 
  • List scheduled jobs pending execution by the at command.
  •  awk:
  •  Analysis and processing patterns in files and listings.
  root@bt:~# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg 

If Same people are using Backtrack 5 on x64 with KDE you should try the following: 

apt-get install <package> 

Downloads <package> and all of its dependencies, and installs or upgrades them

apt-get remove [--purge] <package>

This command is  Removes <package> and any packages that depend on it. --purge specifies that packages should be purged.

apt-get update:

Updates packages listings from the repo, should be run at least once a week.

apt-get upgrade:
 This command upgrades all currently installed packages with those updates available from the repo. should be run once a week.

apt-get dist-upgrade [-u] 
This command is used for similar to apt-get upgrade, except that distupgrade will install or remove packages to satisfy dependencies. 

man apt 
This command is use for will give you more info on these commands as well as many that are in less common usage.

root@bt:~# <program name> 

This command get program help simple type Just the program name without any arguements. 


root@bt:~# <program name> -help 

root@bt:~# <program name> --help 

root@bt:~# <program name> -h 

# Ls 

To display all files and folders, including hidden: 

# Ls-a 

To display the files and folders along with the rights you have, what occupies, etc: 

# Ls-l 

If we wanted to display the files in the same way as before, but also showing the hidden: 


change directory: change directory. We can use it with absolute or relative paths.

This command for make directory:  Create a folder with the name that you indicate. We may use absolute and relative paths.
for EXP: 

# Mkdir / home / your_account / cucumber 


This command for   remove: delete. Clears the file or folder that you indicate.
For  EXP: 

To delete a file: # rm filename 


This command for copy: Copy the file indicated where you say. Here we can also play with routes for both the source file, as in the destination. 


This command for move: Same as above, only instead of making a copy, directly drives the 
file as you indicate, can be other than the original: 

For EXP:

# Mv / etc /Filename


This command for find: Find the file or folder that you specify: 
# Find /-name  index.html


This command  for clear: Clears the screen / console/terminal.

This command for super-user do: do as root. 


1 ac 
Print statistics about the time they have been connected users. 
2 adduser 
See useradd. 3 alias Create shortcuts to commands, list current aliases. 
4 apt-get 
Tool actualizacón / remote installation packages in debian based systems. 
5 arp 
Lets get / manipulate the list of MAC / IP addresses that the system sees. 
6 arping 
Sends ARP REQUEST to other computers on the network. 
7 arptables 
Firewall functions similar to control iptables but arp protocol traffic.
8 at Work program, commands, scripts for later execution. 
9 atq 
List scheduled jobs pending execution by the at command. 
10 awk
 Analysis and processing patterns in files and listings.
11 basename
 Delete the path name of a file.
12 bc 
Calculator and mathematical language, very powerful.
13 biosdecode
 BIOS information. 
14 blkid 
Displays attributes of block devices (disks, usb, etc..) Such as LABEL and UUID, among others. 
15 bzcat 
Uncompress files using bzip2 compressed or packaged. 
16 bzip2
Compressor / decompressor files.
17 bzmore
View the archive contents or packaged using bzip2.
18 lime
Displays a calendar.
19 cat
 Displays the contents of files and concatenates files.
20 CD 
Change directory. 
21 cfdisk 
Disk partitioning tool, mainly used on Debian systems. 
22 chage 
Change the information (expiration, revocation, etc.) of a user's password. 
23 chattr
Change extended attributes of files and directories
24 chfn
Change the information used in finger.
25 chgrp 
Changes the group of a file (s) or folder (s). 
26 chkconfig 
Controls / query how services are running or not on startup.
27 chmod
Change the permissions of a file (s) or folder (s).
28 chown
Changes the owner of a file (s) or folder (s). 
29 chpasswd 
Upgrade passwords or passwords in batch mode. Passwords can update user groups. 
30 chroot 
Execute commands in a restricted shell root to a directory and its subdirectories.
31 chsh
Change your default shell or login shell. 
32 cleanlinks 
Cleans symlinks unrelated and also removes empty directories.
33 clear
Clean the terminal.
34 cmp 
Compares two files byte by byte. 
35 convertquota 
Converts from old formats quota.user and new formats and aquota.user. 
36 cpio 
Copy, create, and extract compressed files in different formats and between teams or locally.
37 crontab
 Manage files and cron for root users. 
38 curl
Allows you to download or transfer url's. 
39 cut 
Removes sections (columns mainly) of each line of a file or files.
40 date 
Displays / sets the date and time.
41 dc 
Interactive Calculator.
42 dd
Convert and copy files and file systems.
43 ddate
Displays the date in calendar format jarring.
44 df
Displays space usage of hard drives or partitions.
45 diff
Search and show differences between files.
46 dig
Props for querying DNS servers.
47 dircolors
 Color setup for ls. 
48 dirs 
Allows you to display, manipulate the list of directories used in the stack. (See popd and pushd)
49 dmesg 
Displays messages system startup (boot). 
50 dmidecode 
List of computer hardware BIOS directly. (Also: lshw)
51 dos2unix
Converts files from MS-DOS to Unix format / Linux.
52 du
Displays space usage of files and directories. 
53 dump 
Allows creation of backups for the file systems ext2 and ext3.
Prints a line of text, variables, or content to a file.
55 edquota
Manages disk quota control user and group.
56 egrep
 It's like the 'grep-E', to use regular expressions. 
57 eject 
Unmount and eject removable media such as CDROMs.
58 env 
Run a program in a modified environment. 
59 ethtool 
Allows you to display or change values of a network card.
60 exit 
Exits the current shell or terminal. 
61 expect 
Create sequences and dialogues with other interactive sessions programmed commands or scripts.
62 export 
Exports the value of a variable. 
63 exportfs 
Maintains a list of file systems NFS type which have been exported.
64 expr
Mathematical expression evaluator.
65 factor
Find the primes of a given number
66 fc 
List, edit and reejecuta previously executed  
67 fdisk
 Disk partitioning tool, common to almost all distros. 
68 fgrep 
It's like 'grep-F' to use regular expressions in file searches and listings.
69 file
Determines the file type.
70 find 
File search, multiple search options.71 findfs
 Find a filesystem by UUID or LABEL (label). 
72 findsmb 
List information about computers that respond to SMB packets. List a Windows network. (Part Samba)
73 finger
 Displays information about the system users
74 Fortune 
Prints a random adage. 
75 fping 
Lets send ICMP packets (pings) to multiple computers on a network and determine if they are alive or not.
76 free
Shows the used and free space of RAM and Swap.
77 fsck
 Tool to verify / repair file systems.
78 fuser
 Identify processes using files or connections (sockets). 
79 gawk 
Analysis and processing patterns in files and listings. (Gnu version) 
80 gcc 
C compiler and GNU C + +.
81 gedit
GNOME text editor.
82 gpasswd
Enables management of the file / etc / group 
83 gpg 
Tool generation encryption and security certificates (opengpg).
84 grep
 Look for patterns of strings within files.
85 groupadd
Create a new group in the system.
86 groupdel
Deletes a group in the system.
87 groupmod
Modifies a group on the system.
88 groups
 Prints the groups to which a user belongs.
89 gzip
 Compresses / expands files.
90 halt 
Turn off the computer.
91 hdparm
 Sets and displays features on the hard drives.
92 head
Displays the first lines of a file.
93 help
 Help on bash internal commands.
94 history
Displays the user's command history.
95 host
Utility consulting DNS server host.
96 hostname
Displays the computer name.
97 htpasswd
Manage files of user / password for basic 
authentication of Apache. 
98 hwclock 
Displays / Sets the date / time changes or hardware. (Date / Time System to date) 
99 id 
Displays the UID (User ID) and GID (Group ID) of the user
100 ifconfig
Displays / Configures the system's network interfaces. 
101 ifstat 
Small utility that allows to observe statistics of network interfaces in real time.
102 init
Initialization control ejecucción level.
103 insmod
Modules inserted in the kernel.
104 ipcalc
Perform simple calculations on IP addresses.
105 ipcount
Identifying ranges of network, IP's calculation.
106 iptab
Displays an IP address table prefix according to CIDR
107 iptables
 Firewall configuration tool for Linux.
108 iptraf
Network traffic analyzer in text mode.
109 iwconfig
 Set up a wireless network card.
110 iwlist
Gets details of a wireless card.
111 jobs
 Displays user jobs in suspension or background. 
112 kate 
KDE Text Editor. 
113 kill 
Terminates processes, more correctly sends signals to processes.
114 killall
 End processes with the same name or group.
115 last 
Displays information from past users logged. 
116 lastb 
Displays information from the previous failed attempts to login. 
117 less 
Displays the contents of an archive, searchable and movement back and forth. 
118 ln 
Create links (shortcuts) soft and hard files and directories. 
119 locale 
Specific information about the local environment variables.
120 locate
 Indexes and searches files. Slocate safer to use.
121 losetup
Defines and controls devices such as 'loop'.
122 lpq 
Sample documents for printing in the print queue.
123 lpr
 Add a document to the print queue.
124 ls
 List files and directories.
125 lshw 
List of computer hardware BIOS directly. (Also: 
dmidecode) 126 lsmod Displays the status of the modules in the kernel. 
127 lsof 
Displays open files in ejecucción program, or a user, process, etc.
128 lspci
List PCI devices in the system.
129 lsusb 
List system usb devices.
130 mail
 Send and receive email.
131 man 
Command displays the manual indicated. 
132 mc 
Handler archvivos with mouse support in text mode, not every distro I have.
133 mcedit 
Mc text editor. 
134 md5sum 
Check (and creates) files with md5 signature certification.
135 mkdir
 Create directories.
136 mkfs
 Build a Linux file system.
137 mkpasswd
Password generator. (Software Package 'expect').
138 modinfo
Displays information about kernel modules.
139 modprobe
Tool to add / remove kernel modules. 
140 more 
Pager similar to but less funcioanal less as it comes forward and retocede.
141 mount
 Monta storage partitions enabled devices listed.
142 mtools
 Set of utilities to access DOS disks from Linux.
143 mv
 Moves files and directories. 
144 netstat 
Network Utility showing connections, routing tables, interface statistics, etc.. 
145 nice 
Run a program with a priority other than normal ejecucción. 
146 nohup 
Runs a program immune to hangups and without access to a terminal.
147 openssl
Control, management, security certificate generation. 
148 partprobe 
Tells the operating system to the changes mentioned in / etc / fstab 
149 passwd
Changes the specified user's password. 
150 ping 
Send an ECHO_REQUEST (echo request) to a computer on the network.
151 pkill
Send signals to processes based on their attributes. 
152 popd 
Removes entries (directories used) from the list of directories used in the stack. (See dirs and pushd) 
153 pr 
Format or convert text files for printing. 154 ps Displays system processes or user or both. 155 pstree
 Displays processes as a tree. 
156 pushd 
Adds entries (directories used) in the directory list (stack or stack). (See dirs and popd)
157 pwck
Check the integrity of the file / etc / passwd
158 pwconv
 Add shadow protection or sets the file / etc / passwd.
159 quota 
You can see the use of user fees.
160 quotacheck
Create, verify, manage disk quota systems


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