Network hacking

Network hacking 

Despite the hackers, there are “occasional” hackers who are using the network hacking to crack wireless passwords because internet connections are a necessity in our lives but how is a wireless network secured? In case of secured wireless connections, encrypted packets represent internet data under another form. Packets are encrypted with network security keys and basically if you want to have access to internet wireless connection then you should have the security key for that particular wireless connection.  There are two types of encryptions in use WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) and WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), WEP is the fundamental encryption and a very small number of people use it because it’s very unsafe and it can be cracked very easy. WPA is the more secure option, WPA-2 is the most secure encryption of all time and you can crack a Wi-Fi Protected Access network then you will need a wordlist with common passwords but it can be unbreakable if the administrator is using a complex password and because a lot of people are interested in breaking Wi-Fi protected connections, this book is going to show you how to do it. You will need a compatible wireless adapter, CommView for Wi-Fi, Aircrackng GUI and a big bag full of patience. This operation is impossible without a compatible wireless adapter, your wireless card must be compatible with the software CommView, software used for capturing the packets from the network adapter, and you can download the software from their website. Aircrack-ng GUI is practically doing the crack after capturing the packets. 
This is another common used type of hacking and it basically means assembling information about something by using tools and Port Scanning, Port Surfing and OS Fingerprinting by using another tools. Tools usually used in network hacking are Ping, Telnet, NslookUp, Tracert, Netstat, etc. Ping is used to repair TCP/ IP networks and it’s a part of ICMP- Internet Control Message Protocol, Ping is an order that makes you able to test if the host is dead or not. 


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