Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dangerous Google – Searching for Secrets Part 3

Today we read same other google hacks
So let Start

We have same

specifies that a phrase should occur frequently in results
+fire will order results by the number of occurrences of the word fire
 specifies that a phrase must not occur in results
-fire will return documents that don't contain the word fire
 delimiters for entire search phrases (not single words)
"fire fox" will return documents containing the phrase fire fox
 wildcard for a single character will return documents containing the phrases fire fox, fireAfox, fire1fox, fire-fox etc.
wildcard for a single word
 fire * fox will return documents containing the phrases fire the fox, fire in fox, fire or fox etc.
logical OR
"fire fox" | firefox will return documents containing the phrase fire fox or the word firefox

Most  Use full tags
First :
 Queries for locating network devices
Here Same Tags

 Searching for personal data and confidential documents 

Thanks For watching


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